# How to report...

# How to have an overview of the take of an TV show?

Go to the Episode Stats page. You can go there with the drop-down menu on top of a page.

Drop down menu

Drop down menu episode

With this view, you can see all the Take number per tasks on each episodes.

Overview sequence task

You can fly over the pie chart to have more detailed information about the distribution.

Overview sequence detail

If you click on the arrow on the left part of an episode, you can see the details of the take.

Overview episode detail

You can also display the statistic as a percentage.

Overview sequence detail

You can also choose between two count modes: per shots or frames.

Overview sequence detail

You can also click on the tasks name to have the detailed shots about this task (page supervisor)

# How to have an overview of an TV show?

Go to the Episode Stats page. You can go there with the drop-down menu on top of a page.

Drop down menu

Drop down menu episode

With this view, you can see all the starus per tasks on each episode.

Overview sequence task

You can fly over the pie chart to have more detailed information about the distribution.

Overview sequence detail

You can also display the statistic as a percentage.

Overview sequence detail

You can also choose between two count modes: per shots or frames.

Overview sequence detail

You can also click on the tasks name to have the detailed shots about this task (page supervisor)

# How to have an overview of the Sequence?

Go to the Sequence Stats page. You can go there with the drop-down menu on top of a page.

Drop down menu

Drop down menu sequence

With this view, you can see all the status distribution per tasks on each sequences.

Overview sequence task

You can fly over the pie chart to have more detailed information about the distribution.

Overview sequence detail

You can also display the statistic as a percentage.

Overview sequence detail

You can also choose between two count modes: per shots or frames.

Overview sequence detail

You can also click on the tasks name to have the detailed shots about this task (page supervisor).

# How to have an overview of the Assets?

Go to the Asset Types Stats page. You can go there with the drop-down menu on top of a page.

Drop down menu

With this view, you can see all the status distribution per tasks on each asset type.

Overview sequence task

You can fly over the pie chart to have more detailed information about the distribution.

Overview sequence detail

You can also display the statistic as a percentage.

Overview sequence detail

On asset stats page, you can download an export of your data, as a .csv file.

Click on the export button download.

You can open the .csv file with spreadsheet software.
